
TheInventor:OutforBloodinSiliconValleyisa2019Americandocumentaryfilm,directedandproducedbyAlexGibney.ThefilmrevolvesaroundElizabeth ...,2019年10月25日—看來,副標題得更正為:一群男人被騙得團團轉比悲傷更悲傷的故事。畢竟,女賈真的很有魅力,不只老男人,連小鮮肉也無法逃離她的魔掌!,Rivetinglookatthenow-defunctcompanyTheranosanditsenigmaticfounderandCEOElizabethHolmes,whoseambitiontorevolutionizeblo...

The Inventor

The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley is a 2019 American documentary film, directed and produced by Alex Gibney. The film revolves around Elizabeth ...

The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley

2019年10月25日 — 看來,副標題得更正為:一群男人被騙得團團轉比悲傷更悲傷的故事。畢竟,女賈真的很有魅力,不只老男人,連小鮮肉也無法逃離她的魔掌!

Watch The Inventor

Riveting look at the now-defunct company Theranos and its enigmatic founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes, whose ambition to revolutionize blood testing through ...

The Inventor

The story of Theranos, a multi-billion dollar tech company, its founder Elizabeth Holmes, the youngest self-made female billionaire, and the massive fraud ...

Watch The Inventor

: An inside look at Theranos and its founder Elizabeth Holmes, whose ambition spawned one of the biggest frauds in Silicon Valley. Plans start at $9.99/ ...